LOL! I love the Americans, but the russians do have a sense of humor and listen to Tupac, Vladislav Surkov an aide to Putin told the press that his only interest in the US is Tupac etc... 
If only the Nigerian govt can be 'A BIT' like the Russians by not banking and laundering the nigerian funds in foreign accounts and helping these foreign reserves stay alive while the nigerian reserve is being flushed down into a sh*t hole, that's a whole other story.

Here's the full article:

It would seem that not everyone is taking Sunday’s referendum too seriously 

21 Russian and Ukrainian officials have received a firm spanking from the US and EU following Sunday’s referendum, imposing sanctions so terrifying, that they’d surely have even Putin quivering in his slippers. The serious tone of the sanctions were met with the equally serious threat of a war. A Twitter war. The deputy prime minister of Russia, Dmitry Rogozin, took to the web to start a tweeting frenzy against President Obama, branding him a ‘prankster’, and making a mockery of the sanctions posed against him.
But that wasn’t all that was in store for ‘prankster’ Obama, as Rogozin took to the keyboard for yet another attack, questioning Obama’s very intelligence, as he posed the question:

Clearly Obama has been outsmarted by the witty twitterer (that’s a word, let me have it), who’s managed to find flaws in the EU’s sanction plans. They would have thought that their plan was faultless, but here it is, with all its faults laid bare, for all of the Twitter world to see. Silly Obama.
Is there anyone taking these sanctions seriously? It would appear not, as the tweet comes after Vladislav Surkov, Putin’s aide, told a Russian newspaper: “I don’t have accounts abroad. The only things that interest me in the US are Tupac Shakur, Allen Ginsberg, and Jackson Pollock. I don’t need a visa to access their work. I lose nothing.”
Russia really don’t seem to give a shit. And why would they, when the Kremlin could apparently: “turn the US into radioactive dust”? Controversial anchorman, Dmitry Kiselyoy, made these claims during his weekly prime time news programme, making the sanctions look about as threatening as a pair of fluffy pink kittens dressed up in Pikachu costumes.

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