D'banj Debuts On American BillBoard Chart/Promo video for Dbanj – Mr Endowed remix ft. Snoop Dogg
Next Big Sound is a new chart offering by Billboard which tracks the real time web chatter surrounding musicians from around the globe over the course of a week, across all major social networks (Twitter, Myspace, Youtube) to predict who the next big thing will be!
Congrats to D’Banj…the Snoop Dogg collab did nothing but raise his profile…twitter was blowing up with the news! I wonder which Naija artiste will be the next on that chart?
Naija entertainment & fashion is seriously on a global come up…I wish everything else in Naija would progress catch up. Next president you need to sort out the power supply mess, and the poverty mess, and the corruption mess…I could go on.
And then his video with snopp dogg coming out soon, uncle snuppu and mr. endowed toh bhad
Lol .. Edited ... Hahaha